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Town Clerk: (802) 775-4274

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 775-4274


Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
Closed Sat-Sun

Administrative Assistant Position opening



The Town of Clarendon is seeking to immediately fill the Administrative Assistant to the Select Board position. The job description is posted at the Town Hall, Post Office and on the town’s website clarendonvt.gov. The Administrative Assistant is subject to the Town’s personnel policy and serves at the will and direction of the legislative body. Duties require a pro-active approach to: grant writing, minute taking, researching, e-911management, and any other items upon request of the board. Job is considered full time at on average 27 hours a week, Office Hours plus board meetings as they are scheduled. Benefits package available, including retirement. Compensation is commensurate with experience.

Interview process to follow

Town of Clarendon

Select Board’s Administrative Assistant

Job Description

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities

​The Select Board’s Administrative Assistant is hired by the Clarendon Select Board and works at the discretion of the Select Board.  As an employee of the town, the Administrative Assistant is expected to work a minimum yearly average of 27hours per week with the maximum hours to be determined by the Select Board or as the workload necessitates.  He/she shall be present at the Clarendon Town Office on the days and hours as established by the Select Board and be available to attend the Select Board meetings (Regular, Special and Emergency meetings) as well as Public Hearings, Quasi-judicial Hearings, etc. scheduled by the Select Board.  The Select Board’s Administrative Assistant duties coordinate with the legal duties/responsibilities of the town’s Select Board.  He/she must have good language, communication and computer skills and shall conduct themselves in a professional manner while on duty.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

Emphasis on grant procurement, preparation and tracking
Take and prepare Select Board’s meeting agenda’s, minutes and correspondence.
Maintain Select Board records
Prepare and post all Select Board related notices (vacancies, meeting notices, etc.)
Maintain all town’s E911 database
Town’s Ordinances and Policy documents
Historical and legal research when needed
Assist the Select Board with annual town’s proposed budget warrant
All other duties as required from time to time as requested by the Select Board


Minimum:  High School Diploma plus work related experience


Experience in interpersonal skills is essential
Microsoft office – emphasis in Word and Excel


He/she shall hold a valid driver’s license to travel to town hall, site visits and any/all locations as required


The Administrative Assistant is paid an annual salary.  Time sheets shall be submitted to the Town’s Treasurer weekly no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday and will be paid by noon on Tuesday.
Please send resume to clarendontreas@comcast.net or apply on indeed.com