For the mutual protection of the lot owners and the cemeteries as a whole, the following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Clarendon Selectboard and pertain to all lot owners and visitors within the cemeteries. All lots shall be subject to said rules and regulations and, subject further to such other rules and regulations, amendments or alterations as adopted by the Clarendon Selectboard from time to time. For the purpose of these rules and regulations, the term Clarendon Cemeteries pertains to those cemeteries under the control of the Town of Clarendon Selectboard being Clarendon Flats, West Clarendon, Spafford and Old Marsh.
* Cemetery. A “cemetery” is town lands set aside and intended to be used for the burial or permanent disposition of the remains of the human dead in a grave, mausoleum, a columbarium, a vault or other receptacle.
18 V.S.A. 5302
* Lot. The term lot shall apply to a numbered division as shown on the cemetery map of record.
* Plot. The term plot shall apply to a space of sufficient size to accommodate one full adult interment (approximately four by ten feet) or cremations.
* Internment. The term internment shall mean the permanent disposition of the remains of a deceased person by cremation and internment, entombment or burial.
* Memorial. The term memorial shall include a monument (tombstone of granite or marble which shall extend above the surface of the ground and shall not exceed 30″ in width per single plot) or a grass marker (a memorial flush with the ground and shall be a minimum of 12″x18″x4″), tablet, headstone, private mausoleum or tomb for family or individual use.
* Approval from the Town of Clarendon Selectboard must be gained before any burial or disinterment takes place. Burials in all Clarendon cemeteries shall be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of Vermont.
* A Burial Permit or Cremation Certificate must be presented to the Town of Clarendon Selectboard prior to approval for burial. It then will be filed in the Clarendon Town Records at the time of burial.
* All burials other than cremation burials will require a vault. No green burials are permitted.
* Up to ONE traditional burial or TWO cremation urns can be buried in ONE PLOT. The Town allows for the internment of up to TWO cremations urns along with a traditional burial as long as the traditional burial is already in place.
* All burials in Clarendon Cemeteries shall have a memorial placed at the plot within one year of burial unless a waiver is applied for and granted by the Select Board.
* The Town of Clarendon shall maintain all cemeteries under their authority in accordance with State Law (V.S.A. 18# 5362).
* Lighting; Solar or battery powered lights shall be allowed in all Clarendon Cemeteries under the following conditions.
- One (1) light shall be allowed at each headstone or marker. Such light shall be placed next to the headstone or marker and shall not interfere with mowing.
- Size of light lens shall not exceed 3.5 inches in diameter and 4.5 inches in height. Total light height shall not exceed 16 inches.
- Lights must be kept in working order or shall be removed by the Town of Clarendon at its discretion.
* Trees, Shrubs and Bushes; Will not be allowed in any Clarendon Cemeteries. Trees, shrubs and bushes are not grandfathered and shall be removed by the family or the Town of Clarendon at its discretion.
* Live Flowers; Only live annuals will be allowed in all Clarendon Cemeteries and must be placed in a manner that will not interfere with mowing or trimming.
* Decorations; The Town of Clarendon prohibits the use of artificial flowers, wire and glass containers, toys, metal framework, shepherd hooks, styrofoam or wooden crosses, ornaments, figurines, balloons, wind chimes, decorative flags or items of the same nature. None of the above are grandfathered and shall be removed by the family or the Town of Clarendon at its discretion.
* Christmas Wreaths; May be placed after November 15th and must be removed by May 1st.
* Veteran Flags; Flags placed on graves of Veterans shall be in a proper stanchion.
* Other decorations; No other Decorations are grandfathered and will not be allowed on any lots in any Clarendon Cemetery and shall be removed by the family or the Town of Clarendon at its discretion.
* New Internments; The Town of Clarendon reserves the right to remove all flowers from new internments as soon as they become faded or unsightly (usually 2-3 weeks after burial).
* All cemetery grounds will be open from dawn until dusk.
* The Town of Clarendon shall in no way be held liable for any injuries sustained by anyone while in the cemetery.
* All persons are prohibited from any disrespectful use of all cemetery grounds to include the use of alcohol or any gatherings not related to a burial.
* All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, either wild or cultivated, breaking or cutting trees, shrubbery or plants, defacing or otherwise damaging monuments or other structures.