Welcome to our website clarendonvt.gov

Town Clerk: (802) 775-4274

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 775-4274


Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
Closed Sat-Sun

Contact Us

Contact The Town of Clarendon Offices

If you would like to reach out to the main town office at a time that is convenient to you, please feel free to use the form here. Someone will get back to you shortly, usually during office hours. If you need to get in touch with someone specific, please use the directory below.

Thank you for your question or comment.

Fields with an asterisks (*) are required.

Town of Clarendon Directory

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
PO Box 30
Clarendon, VT 05759

If viewing on small devices, scroll grid left or right to see hidden content.
Town Contacts Name Phone Internet
Town Clerk Gloria Menard clarendonclerk@comcast.net (802) 775-4274 ext.1
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Treasurer Heidi Congdon clarendontreas@comcast.net(802) 775-4274 ext.2
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Listers Bob Underhill
Kevin Peck
Matt Jakubowski
(802) 775-4274 ext.4
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Admin Asst to Select Board Ashley Robinson clarendonadmasst@comcast.net(802) 775-4274 ext.3

Collector of Delinquent Taxes

Ashley Robinson clarendondeltax@comcast.net(802) 775-4274 ext.5
Road Commissioner Cash Ruane (802) 345-2193 cell
Town Garage (802) 775-3103
Zoning Administrator Kevin Dougherty clarendon.zoning@comcast.net (802) 683-9984 cell
Selectboard Members: Michael Klopchin, Chair
Cash Ruane
Robert S. Congdon, Jr.
Arthur Menard
George Ambrose
(802) 558-4375 cell
(802) 345-2193 cell
(802) 282-7923 cell
(802) 774-8944 cell
(802) 747-8189 cell
Planning Commission John McKenna (802) 236-3878
Clarendon Volunteer Fire Assoc. Fire Chief: Matthew Jakubowski firebeevt@gmail.com
Fire Warden Clayton Rockwell (802) 775-2074
(802) 558-1879 cell
Animal Control Rutland County Sheriff's Dept. (802) 775-8002
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