Welcome to our website clarendonvt.gov

Town Clerk: (802) 775-4274

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 775-4274


Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
Closed Sat-Sun

Clarendon Town Officials

Mike Klopchin

Mike Klopchin

Select Board Chair
Airport Committee

(802) 558-4375


Robert Congdon Jr.

Robert Congdon Jr.

Select Board
Justice of the Peace

(802) 282-7923


George Ambrose

Select Board Clerk
Rutland County Sheriff
Department Liaison

(802) 747-8189


Rick Wilbur

Arthur Menard

Select Board
Community Center Board
Recreation Committee
Justice of the Peace

(802) 774-8944


Cash Ruane

Cash Ruane

Select Board
Road Commissioner

(802) 345-2193


Elected Town Officials

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Position Name Term Expires
Town Clerk - 3yr term Gloria Menard - clarendonclerk@comcast.net 3/26
Treasurer - 3yr term Heidi Congdon - clarendontreas@comcast.net 3/26
Collector of Delinquent Taxes - 3yr term Ashley Robinson - clarendondeltax@comcast.net 3/27
Selectmen - 3yr term Robert S. Congdon Jr., Michael Klopchin, Arthur Menard 3/27, 3/26, 3/25
Selectmen - 2yr term Cash Ruane, George Ambrose 3/26, 3/25
Lister - 3yr term Bob Underhill, Kevin Peck, Matthew Jakubowski - clarendonlisters@comcast.net 3/25, 3/27, 3/26
Auditors - 3yr term David Bosch, Kevin Dougherty, Linda Durkee 3/25, 3/26, 3/27
Town Moderator 1yr term Robert S. Congdon Jr. 3/25
Mill River Unified Union School Director - 3yr term Douglas Earle 3/26
Mill River Unified Union School Director - 3yr term Carol Geery 3/27
Mill River Unified Union School Director - 3yr term Andrea Hawkins, Len Doucette 3/25, 3/25
Justices of the Peace - 2yr term 2/1/23-1/31/25 George Ambrose, David Bosch, John Colvin, Robert Congdon Jr., Deborah Dougherty, Kevin Dougherty, Arthur Menard, R. Brownson Spencer Republican Republican, Republican, Republican, Republican, Republican, Republican, Republican

Appointed Town Officials

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Position Name Term Expires
Animal Control Rutland County Sheriff's Dept. 802-775-8002
Community Center Board 5 members - 1yr term Matt Jakubowski: Chair, Robert Bixby, Arthur Menard, Gloria Menard, Marjorie White Southard 3/25
Community Center Board Town Representatives - 1yr term Nancy Buffum, Vacant 3/25
Road Commissioner - 3yr term Cash Ruane 802-345-2193 3/26
Emergency Management Director - 1yr term Matt Jakubowski 3/25
E911 Coordinator - 1yr term Primary Contact: Ashley Robinson, Secondary Contact: Matt Jakubowski 3/25, 3/25
Planning Commission 7 members - 4yr term, staggered John Colvin, Heidi Eccleston, Don Pratt, Brownson Spencer, Sarah Kumm, John McKenna: Chair, Carol Geery 4/28, 4/25, 4/28, 4/26, 4/28, 4/26, 4/26
Recreation Committee Members 7 members - 1yr term Sarah Kumm: Chair, Matt Jakubowski, Ashley Robinson, Jan McCoy Vacant, Vacant, Vacant 3/25
Health Officer - 3yr term Richard Griffith 802-438-2934 1/25
Tree Warden - 1yr term Josef Peterson 3/25
Zoning Administrator - 3yr term Kevin Dougherty 802-683-9984 3/25
Zoning Board of Adjustment 7 members - 2yr term, staggered Brownson Spencer: Chair, Don Pratt, John Colvin, Heidi Eccleston, John McKenna, Vacant, Vacant 3/25, 3/26, 3/25, 3/25, 3/26, 3/26
Regional Ambulance Service - 3yr term Kevin Dougherty 3/26
Airport Committee - 1yr term Regular: Mike Klopchin, Alternate: Arthur Menard 3/25
Cemeteries Fact Finding Committee - 1yr term Bob Underhill, Kevin Peck 3/25
Rutland County Solid Waste District Representative - 1yr term Regular: Dave Potter, Alternate: Robert Bixby 3/25
Rutland Regional Transportation Council - 1yr term Regular: David Potter, Alternate: Robert Bixby 6/30/24
Rutland Regional Planning Commission - 1yr term Regular: Brownson Spencer, Alternate: Vacant 6/30/24
Rutland County Sheriff's Department - 1yr term Select Board Liaison: George Ambrose 3/25
East Clarendon Cemetery contact Lane Douglass 802-775-3846
Note: All appointees appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Select Board