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Town Clerk: (802) 775-4274

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 775-4274


Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
Closed Sat-Sun

Meeting Schedule

Clarendon Select Board Meeting Schedule – Calendar year 2024

JANUARY: 8 & 22

FEBRUARY: 12 & 26

MARCH: 11 & 25

APRIL: 8 & 22

MAY: 13 & 29(Wed.)

JUNE: 10 & 24

JULY: 8 & 22

AUGUST: 12 & 26


OCTOBER: 14 & 28

NOVEMBER: 13 (Wed.) & 25

DECEMBER: 9 & 23




If you would like placement on the meeting agenda to discuss a matter with the Select Board, you can request agenda placement by contacting the Administrative Assistant via e-mail at clarendonadmasst@comcast.net.  All requests must be in writing, and must contain a subject.  The time given for a speaker on the agenda will be 5-10 minutes; time may be added at the discretion of the Select Board.  A request can also be mailed to the Clarendon Board of Selectmen, P.O. Box 30, Clarendon, Vermont 05759, or hand delivered at the Town Hall.  

Meeting agendas also include two opportunities for public comment:  one for general comments, and one for specific agenda items. 

All requests for agenda placement must be received no later than 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the scheduled Monday meeting to allow time for preparation of the agenda and time for Select Board members to prepare for the meeting.  Individuals not on the agenda must wait until completion of all agenda items unless invited by the Selectboard Chairman to speak.  

                                                                                    Clarendon Board of Selectmen