This is the link from Mondays meeting:
Monday December 09, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Mike Klopchin, Chairman
Robert Congdon, Selectman
Cash Ruane, Selectman
George Ambrose, Selectman (phoned in)
Heidi Congdon, treasurer
Ashley Robinson, Admin Asst
Kevin Peck
Sarah Kumm
Jimmy Austin
Eddie Baker
William PEG-TV
Call to Order
Chairman Klopchin called the meeting to order at 6:05PM
Agenda additions/deletions
Addition of mowing bids to be added during new business. Selectman Congdon motioned to add mowing bids under new business, with Selectman Ruane providing the second. The motion was passed unanimously.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting November 25, 2024
Selectman Congdon motioned to approve the meeting minutes from November 25, 2024. Selectman Ruane provided the second. The motion was approved by all available.
-Road commissioner’s report
Selectman/Road Commissioner Ruane discussed the trucks that are currently being worked on. The smaller F550 is being worked on in shop by the crew, and is waiting on a hydraulic pump would should be coming any time. The road crew is working the best the can with the two trucks that are available. The Western Star is in Williston and they are still trying to find out what is wrong with it. They think possibly the pump also. The spinner and auger stops working. It was in Williston two weeks ago and was supposed to be fixed however what they had worked on didn’t solve the problem. Ruane will have a discussion with the vendor as far as it not being fixed correctly the first time and doing adjustments to the bill. Eddie Baker (resident) asked if it dumps ok, and the answer is yes. He believes it is the priority flow valve and not the pump that needs to be adjusted. He suggested that if they cant find the problem in Williston that he will take a look at it when it comes back to the shop.
Approval of Select Board Warrants
All new warrants and warrants previously signed by the designated selectboard members were approved and signed by the present selectboard members.
Public Comments
New Business
-firework permit
Ashley lets the board know that there is a permit for Sherry Sylvester on airport road. Sherry has her young family coming in the next few weeks and would like to do small ground fireworks with them a few times weather dependent. Sherry has done this in the past with no previous problems. Selectman Congdon motioned to approve the firework permit and have Chairman Klopchin sign. Selectman Ruane provided the second. The motion was approved by all.
-ethics liaison
The state is requiring the board appoint a Ethics Liaison as a point of contact. Selectman Congdon motioned to appoint Administrative Assistant Ashley Robinson to be the liaison. Selectman Ambrose provided the second via call in. The motion was approved unanimously.
-mowing bids
The board reviewed mowing bids for the cemetery as well as the transfer station.
Cemetery review-
Selectman Ruane from Johnson-$8375
Selectman Klopchin from Meticulous-$16,900
Selectman Congdon from Martelle- $15,750
Kevin Peck talks on how Johnson has been responsive and has done a good job.
Selectman Congdon motions to move forward renewing the contract with Johnson, with Selectman Ambrose providing the second. The motion was approved by all present/phoned in members.
Transfer Station-
Selectman Ruane from Meticulous- $1500
Selectman Klopchin from Johnson- $2500
Selectman Congdon from Martelle- $1625
Ashley wanted the board to know that Martelle maintains the rec fields on 7b and have taken great care of the transfer station this year. Likely the committee for the rec will continue the contract with Martelle for the rec fields again for FY26. Selectman Congdon recused himself from a motion with Martelle as he is related. Selectman Ambrose motions to use Martelle for the transfer station, with selectman Ruane providing the second. The motion was approved by the remaining board members.
Old Business
Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report
Select Board Member Concerns
Selectman Ambrose (phone in) wanted to comment on the previous meeting transfer stationdiscussion. He had reviewed the Casella contract and has questions to move forward with when they speak with the company moving forward. He is floored that we pay $200 a month for the compactor on recyclables, and with the 5 year contract the town is in they should think about replacing that as an option. He also wants to add that choices are limited with the transfer station. You can either continue what we are doing, make changes to the way things are going, and lastly get an outside person to do the work. Selectman Congdon will get with Selectman Ambrose to compare notes before the next meeting. Selectman Klopchin states that it is a possibility that the next scheduled meeting will be cancelled depending on agenda items.
Selectman Ruane wants to make sure everyone is safe on the roads.
Selectman Congdon motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:22pm. Selectman Ruane provide the second. The motion was approved by all.
Monday December 09, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Call to Order
Agenda additions/deletions
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting November 25, 2024
-Road commissioner’s report
Approval of Select Board Warrants
Public Comments
New Business
-firework permit
-ethics liaison
Old Business
Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report
Select Board Member Concerns