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Town Clerk: (802) 775-4274

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 775-4274


Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
Closed Sat-Sun

Select Board meeting regular Monday January 27, 2025


Monday January 27, 2025

Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM




Mike Klopchin, Chair

George Ambrose, Clerk

Robert Congdon

Cash Ruane

Art Menard

William Chmielewski,   PEG TV

Gloria Menard, Town Clerk

Kevin Peck, Lister

Evan Fitzgerald, Engineer (via Zoom)

Dan Pinkowski

Robert Bixby

Shelley Lutz

Jim Austin

Ed Baker


Call to Order

Chairman Klopchin called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM

 Agenda additions/deletions

Approval of Meeting Minutes

            -Minutes from 1/13/25 Regular

Selectman George Ambrose motioned to approve the meeting minutes from January 13, 2025. Selectman Art Menard provided the second. The motion was approved by all selectman who were present at the meeting on January 13th.

-Minutes from 1/15/25 Special

Selectman George Ambrose motioned to approve the meeting minutes from January 15, 2025. Art Menard provided the second. The motion was approved by all selectman who were present at the special meeting on January 15th.

-Budget minutes

Selectman Robert Congdon made the motion to approve the budget minutes. Selectman Cash Ruane provided the second. The motion was approved by all selectman.


-Road commissioner’s report

Selectman/Road Commissioner Cash Ruane discussed that the crew had used 1,000 gallons from the 2,000-gallon Brine Tank, testing 20 miles of road to see how it would work which took all of an hour and a half. Adjustments were made to accommodate the gravity system.

Town Lister and guest Kevin Peck inquired about the salt usage. Ruane said that it was less than 500lbs. Largest issue is that the salt in the wind is unprotected and it froze in the tank. It is a work in progress.  As this is a temporary set up, Chairman Mike Klopchin mentioned that a more permanent set up would be needed in the future.

Selectman/Road Commissioner Cash Ruane has received 2 new quotes for a new truck for the town. A Mack truck with automatic transmission for $175,000 and another with a straight clutch for approximately $164,000. In addition, a Volvo standard transmission was quoted at $169,000. Ruane recommends to the board the Mack truck with the standard transmission to be purchased and outfitted for next winter. Selectman Robert Congdon made the motion to order the standard transmission Mack with Selectman George Ambrose seconding the motion. Selectman Robert Congdon additionally made an order to motion that the Selectboard Chair could sign for the board. Motion seconded by Selectman George Ambrose. Both motions were unanimously approved by all.

Old Business

            –Call with Fitzgerald Engineering to review contract and areas of the Cold River

Selectman Robert Congdon motioned to have an early discussion with Evan Fitzgerald of Fitzgerald Engineering to speak on behalf of the current project. Selectman George Ambrose provided the second. All approved.

Evan’s update included scope of the work with a map for reference. With use of some of the past survey and hydraulic calculations along with the current survey of the river to better understand the hydraulic capacity of the middle road bridge and in particular when the sediment builds up upstream of the bridge that it compromises the hydraulic opening of the bridge causing issues like erosion. Evan finds a need for additional focus and a management plan of the area roughly 1,000 to 1200 ft upstream of the bridge and around the bend. Also looking downstream to the railroad bridge and a little below it needs further survey. He understands the town and ANR would like a mutual agreement on when the bridge has limited capacity based on sediment deposition happening over time that reference points are made that when the bridge reaches critical condition, a management plan will be in place to remove sediment and relieve the town of having to go through a long back and forth process with the State. They performed a survey this fall and are working on the remodeling work to form the plan. Selectman Robert Congdon interjected the possibility of moving towards a plan for the entire river although understands that this is a critical phase 1 step. Evan is in agreement that a more comprehensive plan can be discussed in the future on how to expand the work.  Selectman Robert Congdon feels that other sections need to be addressed in order to protect other areas. The deposition of material coming from above in Shrewsbury impacts areas all the way down through including farmland. He speaks on behalf of the board that the goal is to get the other 2 sections addressed as well as the middle road bridge. Evan feels that the bridge is the most important starting piece to correct. Selectman Art Menard raises concern regarding ANR’s lack of attention to farmland. Chair Mike Klopchin agrees that they do not care about helping the farmland. Evan interjects that ANR will allow farmland owners to stop erosion on banks with less permitting headache than public roads and bridges. Chair Mike Klopchin raises concern of the sediment that has split the river and deposited in the middle of the river bed. Evan will have volume estimates for how much sediment will need to removed with the next flood.

Guest Dan Pinkowski asks Evan if he has any idea of how much height wise soil has deposited to the center channel post Irene. Evan does not have that handy to provide him.  Evan mentions a cost consideration to removing the material. Geology must be considered and other communities are also experiencing the same issues. More frequent storms are moving material down the mountains. It would take a lot of effort and cost to prevent sediment from reaching certain areas upstream. He feels it is all about managing it where it reaches critical points. A program for repeat sediment management would be quite costly.

A stopping point is reached and Selectman Robert Congdon thanks Evan for coming to the meeting. Evan will be back with updates as he gets in to the analysis more.

Approval of Select Board Warrants

            –Town Meeting warning approval

Selectman Robert Congdon motioned to approve the Town Meeting warning. Cash Ruane seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all the Select Board members and they are all to sign it.

-Appointment to the Rec. committee, Art Peterson

Selectman George Ambrose made the motion to appoint Art Peterson to the Rec. committee.

Selectman Robert Congdon provided the second. The motion was approved by all.

-Select Board Annual Report

Selectman Robert Congdon made a motion to delete paragraph 4 and add to the end both a thank you to Ashely Robinson who has left her position as Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard and Selectman Arthur Menard who has announced he will be stepping down from the board. Cash Ruane provided the second motion. All were in favor of the motion.


Public Comments

 New Business

 Old Business

            -Transfer Station discussion

George Ambrose handed out informational paperwork to all the Select Board members. Selectman Robert Congdon motioned to have three transfer station changes that will start April 1st, 2025; an increase in Punch Cards from $1 per punch, hours to change from what they are currently to Wednesdays 10-5 and Saturday 8-1 and 1 punch per Recycling. Motion subsequently approved by all.

Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report

Town Clerk Gloria Menard stated as a reminder to the public there is Town Meeting coming up on March 4th and the polls will be open from 10am-7pm at the Town Hall. The informational meeting will be the evening before, on March 3rd at 6pm at the Community Center.

Select Board Member Concerns

Selectman Ruane wanted to remind townspeople it is illegal to plow across the road and those who continue to do so could see the Sheriff show up and could receive fines.

Selectman Ambrose would like to have a board discussion at a later time to talk about whether other entities currently included in the town’s overall proposed budget should become a separate article on the ballot or remain in town’s budget figure.

Executive Session – Personnel

Selectman Robert Congdon motioned to enter into Executive session at 7:02pm. Selectman George Ambrose provided the second. All Select Board members approved.

Selectman Menard motioned to come out of executive session at 7:36pm. Selectman Ambrose provided the second. All Select Board members approved. The board had discussion surrounding employee policy and concerns with no action taken at this time.


Selectman Congdon motioned to adjourn at 7:38pm. Selectman Ruane seconded. All board members approved.



Monday January 27, 2025

Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM


 Call to Order

 Agenda additions/deletions

 Approval of Meeting Minutes

-Minutes from 1/13/25 regular

-Minutes from 1/15/25 special

-Budget minutes


-Road commissioner’s report

Approval of Select Board Warrants


Public Comments

 New Business

-Town Meeting warning approval

-Appointment to the Rec. committee, Art Peterson

-Select Board Annual Report

 Old Business

-Call with Fitzgerald Engineering to review contract and areas of Cold River

-Transfer Station discussion

Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report

Select Board Member Concerns

Executive Session



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Forms and Documents Downloads

We have several forms available for you to download in advance prior to you coming to the town hall or avoid having to come down at all. We are working to make more forms and documents available for you. Please check back often to see the updates. Each of these forms require your system be able to read PDF file format files. If needed, feel free to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader here.