Monday June 24, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Mike Klopchin, Chairman
George Ambrose, Selectman
Cash Ruane, Selectman
Art Menard, Selectman
Robert Congdon, Selectman
Heidi Congdon, Treasurer
Ashley Robinson, Admin Asst
Kevin Peck
Ed Baker
Jimmy Austin
Bob Bixby
Jan McCoy
Thelicia Molaski
Shelly Lutz
Stephaney Ianni
Joel Baker
Mike Pedone
Dan Pinkowski
Maggie O’Brian -RRPC
Andrew Cross- Sheriff Department
Call to Order
Chairman Klopchin called meeting to order at 6:00pm
Agenda additions/deletions
-Executive session: Personnel dd to end of meeting
Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the addition of the executive session. Selectman Congdon provided the second assuring the session would be held at the end of the regular meeting. The motion was approved unanimously.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting minutes from 6/10/2024
Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the minutes from June 10th, Selectman Congdon provided the second. The motion was approved by all.
-Speed change to 25 on Moulton
Road Commissioner/Selectman Ruane is requesting the speed limit on Moulton Ave to be changed from 35mph down to 25mph. There seems to be more foot and bike traffic on this section in the village and concern is for the safety of residents. Selectman Congdon speaks briefly on the process to do this, being an ordinance change, warning and a 30 day comment period needed. Congdon motioned to allow the start of the process to change the speed limit down to 25mph. Selectman Ambrose provided the second and the motioned was approved unanimously.
-Possible paving on Cold River Rd
Commissioner Ruane discusses the paving grant that was awarded for a section of the Creek Road. After that paving is complete there are funds available that could cover a portion of the Cold River Road. This area has multiple pot holes and the roadcrew is frequently applying cold patch. The contractor (Fuller Sand & Gravel) who is doing the paving on Creek Road did go out and quote the job. The paving would go from North Shrewsbury Road to the Shrewsbury town line, and then from the bridge by Elnicki’s sand pit to the Rutland Town line. The area to the north will be re-claimed as well. Selectman Congdon asks if the funds are available with what is remaining in the budget. Treasurer Heidi Congdon notes there is roughly $120,000 remaining. Ruane reads from the quote that was given: with 1 ¼” shim and ¾” top, with millings total is $121,020.60 without shoulder work being done. Selectman Congdon notes that is very close to the remaining balance and motions to approve the work to be done. Selectman Ambrose asks how the shoulder will be taken care of. Ruane thinks that would cost roughly $3000. Ambrose then provides the second to the motion. The board approves unanimously. Road commissioner Ruane is planning to go clean out the ditches prior to paving being done to avoi damage to the new pavement with the equipment.
-Roadside Mowing
Ruane speaks on the town mower being at the Middlebury John Deere dealer to be worked on. He had spoken with the mechanic and was told there has been issues with other valve systems he has seen, and believes we have a broken valve in the back of the mower.
Due to other areas in own that haven’t been mowed yet, Ruane reached out to Joe Davis whom has mowed for the town in the past. Ruane requested a quote for one trip around town and at the intersections. This quote came to $10,000.
Ruane also spoke with someone who leases a mower out to municipalities. Our road crew would do the work, and use our own fuel if the town went that option. It is available for lease starting July 8th for two weeks at $6000.00 for the two weeks. Normally they charge $4000 a week.
The town should know Monday the 1st as to when the mower will be ready to pick up from Middlebury.
Selectman Congdon motioned to give Ruane the authority after Monday the 1st, and after getting dates when the town will see their own mower back, to go forward with leasing the other mower. Selectman Menards voiced concern that the town does not have great luck with renting equipment. Selectman Ambrose provided the second to the motion. There was brief discussion. The motion was approved by all.
Approval of Select Board Warrants
-Maggie Obrien RRPC on Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Speaking on the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. RRPC is assisting with this program, and wants the town to know that there will not be a cost match on this grant program due to passing of the state budget. Chairman Klopchin brings up a collapsed building that is next to the river on Cold River Road. Maggie will go out to take a look at the building and see if removal may be something that would be covered by this grant.
Selectman Congdon brings up the ongoing topic in town of the Cold River. He asked what may be covered and if it was a possibility to get something moving forward with the area in question. Maggie discusses upsizing bridges and culverts being covered, however will email a list of other options. If approved work being done in the river can be a phased project. Pre-application is due by August 16th. Approval would be noted early 2025.
Chairman Klopchin refers to Dan Pinkowski to speak to what he has going on along the riverbanks on his parcel. Dan notes that from what Maggie was saying the erosion of the embankments and properly armoring the area sounded like it would be covered. Maggie says the emphasis from VEM is to ‘give the river space’ and to restore natural river flow. There is discussion of the railway bridge below the main bridge of Cold River on Middle Road being something the railway needs to look into as it is at risk, and also is preventing the water from flowing properly. Unfortunately doing this does open water to flow in the other fields behind the tracks so a full analysis would need to be performed.
Maggie continues on that the pre-application requires a basic outlook on what the problem is and what the solution is that is in mind. It also needs to have an approximate cost and where that pricing came from as well as history of the area and photos. For the full application there will be a requirement to have a cost benefit analysis completed. There is a concern that engineering costs wont be able to be figured in prior to the pre-application timeframe, and it is said that the projects that would be benefited would be the ones that have already been quoted. This is something the town needs to start on right away.
Public Comments
Bob Bixby requested if we are changing the speed limit on Moulton Ave to consider changing the speed on 7B as well in the village.
Dan Pinkowski: If we had already had a plan in place we would have been able to easily apply for the HMGP grant. He refers back to the firehouse from when it happened in the past and they couldn’t take advantage of the grant then either. Selectman Congdon suggest looking into other work that had been done and quoted in the past, and move forward to see what we can use from those quotes. The town does have information from Fitzgerald Engineering and they would be a good resource moving forward.
Jan McCoy talks about the house that had collapsed on Cold River Road and hopes to see it also be taken care of with the grant. There was talk about why it hadn’t been taken care of in the past. The board is hopeful the grant and state can help buy out the property.
Jan also makes a remark that we should have an opening ceremony for the Kingsley bridge.
Kevin Peck has a community service project on July 11th at the cemetery on Phil Alderman’s property, and is requesting the small town truck and a load of sure-pack. The football team from Mill River high school will be helping, and chairman Klopchin wants to make sure it is ok with insurance prior to the date.
Old Business
-Bidding for exterior of building renovation
There was discussion on adding vinyl siding to the bidding process the town had started for the painting. There was an overall discussion and agreement that it doesn’t hurt to get a bid.
Dan Pinkowski suggested not adding insulation under the vinyl when getting bids.
Ashley is still waiting to hear back from Efficiency Vermont on options for the furnace.
Selectman Congdon motions to have bidding start for vinyl siding. Selectman Ruane provides the second. The motion is approved unanimously.
New Business
Town Officer’s Report
Treasurer Heidi Congdon speaks on year end coming up and budget. Selectman Ruane questions anything that may have to be paid prior to end of fiscal year. There will be monies taken out for the added-on paving that was approved at the nights meeting. This also changes the fund balance by $65,000. Selectman Ambrose praised Heidi for the caliber of work she provides.
Lister Kevin Peck spoke on the GRAND LIST being completed. Selectman Congdon asked the question on how the cycle works for the override that just occurred and timing. Kevin believes they are working three months in advance as opposed to a year and three months.
Selectboard Member Concerns
Executive Session
Chairman Klopchin entertained a motioned to go in to executive session at 6:56pm. Selectman Congdon moved on the motion stating that there will be no timeframe and that PEGTV is free to go. Selectman Ambrose provided the second. The motion was approved by all.
**Motion to come out of executive session and adjourn the meeting at 7:56pm by selectman Congdon, with Chairman Klopchin providing the second.
Selectman Congdon states the board had a in depth discussion regarding personnel issues which they will follow-up in the soon future to resolve employee conflict.
Monday June 24, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Call to Order
Agenda additions/deletions
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting minutes from 6/10/2024
-Speed change to 25 on Moulton
-Possible paving on Cold River Rd
Approval of Select Board Warrants
-Maggie Obrien RRPC on Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Public Comments
Old Business
-Bidding for exterior of building renovation
New Business
Town Officer’s Report
Select Board Member Concerns