Monday October 28, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Mike Klopchin, Chairman
George Ambrose, Clerk
Art Menard, Selectman
Ashley Robinson, Admin Asst
Gloria Menard, Town Clerk
Heidi Congdon, Treasurer
Kevin Peck, Lister/Cemetery Committee
William PEG-TV
Devon Neary RRPC
Bob Bixby
Jimmy Austin
Shelley Lutz
Call to Order
-Chairman Klopchin called meeting to order at 6:08pm
Agenda additions/deletions
-Selectman Ambrose requested the addition of vinyl siding discussion. Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the addition; Selectman Menard provided the second but wanted to note they should wait for a full board to make decisions. Selectman Ambrose assured it was just an informational discussion. Selectman Klopchin suggested moving to new business. The present board members all approved the motion.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting October 14th, 2024
Administrative Assistant Ashley Robinson wanted to board to know there was a mistake on the agenda showing the approval for the minutes as from year 2023, and it should read 2024. Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes from October 14, 2024. Selectman Menard provided the second. The motion was approved by all.
-FY25 Winter Salt Pricing
-The board members were made aware that one of the three companies that were sending bids are no longer able to. Ashley spoke on behalf of Cash requesting that the town uses Apalachee due to the convenience and service they have received in the previous two years. Treasurer Congdon lets the board know that the other company that sent a bid was inconsistent in deliveries and also noted how great Apalachee has been to deal with. Selectman Menard motions to stay with Apalachee. Selectman Ambrose provided the second. The motion was approved unanimously.
Approval of Select Board Warrants
-All new warrants and warrants previously signed by the designated selectboard members were approved and signed by the present selectboard members
Public Comments
New Business
-RRPC Member Dues
Devon Neary from RRPC speaks on the change of member dues. The change would be from $1000 per town to $1 per capita. This would increase the dues from $1000 to $2200 per year. They are hoping this will help with services and expanding their role in the region. Selectman Ambrose requested Devon outline services that are provided by RRPC. Devon briefly discusses the main areas being, transportation, economical development, workforce development, emergency management, water quality, natural resources, town planning, regional planning. They provide staff augmentation for towns, technical support, grant writing, planning development helping towns reflect their priorities and realize their goals. RRPC did just help the planning commission finish up the town plan. Devon had just met with Mike Klopchin to resurrect the airport committee, and they plan to help as it is such a critical resource for the town to try to advance and highlight what may need to be done. RRPC is the only planning commission in the state that has been a flat rate, and even moving forward with the increase it is still much less than others in the state. The legislature has consultants evaluating all planning commissions insuring all are providing consistent services across the state of Vermont. Devon thanks the board for the support they have given.
-Cemetery Discussion (Kevin Peck)
Kevin brings up a problem in the receiving vault with animals burrowing holes. He has bombed and plugged the holes however it is not helping. He is requesting permission to have our trapper trap the animals that may be doing this. Our town trapper believes this is a skunk. Selectman Ambrose motions to remove the animal. Selectman Menard provides the second, with all present selectmen approving the motion.
Treasurer Congdon would like to continue the discussion with setting a budget that the cemetery committee is allowed to spend without approval of the selectboard. Selectman Ambrose motions to let the committee spend up to $300 without prior authorization. Selectman Menard provides the second. The attending board members approve the motion reminding that members of the committee have to approve the spending.
-Selectman Ambrose discusses the vinyl siding bid movement, and believes we should expand the area we request bidding from. Chairman Klopchin asks administrative assistant Ashley Robinson to reach out further to see if we can get more bids and she agrees. The board members agree.
Old Business
Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report
Treasurer Congdon reports that we had a successful tax year this year and what had gone delinquent was $197,655.62 which is down from where we normally are. Ashley notes soon there will be tax sale possibilities coming to attention
Town Clerk Gloria Menard notes that we have an election taking place Tuesday November 5th and the office will be open from 10-7. 550 absentees had been returned. Monday the 4th there will be setup at 1pm. There is good expected turnout even with the mail in ballots.
Administrative Assistant Ashley Robinson reminds the board of the hearing for the Town Plan will be prior to the next Selectboard meeting on Wednesday November 13th at 4:30pm. There will also be a budget workshop beginning at 5:00pm, with the regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00pm.
Fitzgerald Engineering will be starting the beginning stages of the Cold River plan on Tuesday the 29th.
Ashley also wanted the board to know that there have been two beavers removed from the area of the bridge on Firehouse Lane in Chippenhook.
Selectboard Member Concerns
Selectmen Menard motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:35pm. Selectman Ambrose provided the second. The motion was approved by all.
Monday October 28, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Call to Order
Agenda additions/deletions
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting October 14th, 2023
FY25 Winter Salt Pricing
Approval of Select Board Warrants
Public Comments
New Business
RRPC Member Dues
Cemetery Discussion (Kevin Peck)
Old Business
Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report
Select Board Member Concerns