September 12, 2022
Select Board
Mike Klopchin, Chair
Bob Bixby, Clerk
Robert Congdon
Cash Ruane
Art Menard
Heidi Congdon, Treasurer
Katie Nop, Secretary
Gloria Menard, Clerk
William Chmielewski, PEG TV
Joel Baker
Kevin Peck
Call to Order
Chairman Klopchin called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Agenda additions/deletions
Selectman Congdon motioned to add the Rec Mowing Contract to New Business and Selectman Ruane seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Selectman Congdon motioned to approve both sets of minutes from the site visit on 8/22 as well as the 8/22 Regular meeting, subject to any corrections. Selectman Bixby seconded. Selectman Ruane abstained from the vote because he was not present at the site visit. The motion passed 3-0.
Road Commissioner Report– The road crew continues to work on Teer Road. The section of road that is funded by Better Roads is 95% complete, and the Grants in Aid segment is 50% complete. Pimple Hill was paved late last week. Road Commissioner Ruane would like to add a ¾ inch top coat to the South Creek paving project, and use funds from the resurfacing budget. It would cost approximately $30,000 more. Fuller’s quote for just the shim coat was $38,115 and $32,000 of it is covered by the Town Highway Class 2 Roadway grant (20% local match). The total resurfacing budget is $175,00. Selectman Congdon motioned to do the top coat as well for $30,000 and Selectman Bixby seconded. He asked how much more life the top coat would give the road and Cash figured about 10 years. The motion passed unanimously.
Colvin Access Permit-This discussion had been tabled from the previous meeting because the Colvin’s were requesting an access to their property off of Middle Road which would go through the “town common” property. The Board had some concerns about whether that was allowed and wanted to do further research before granting approval. The Board reviewed the Town Common survey as well as the Colvin’s survey. The Colvin’s survey referenced Clarendon Land Record Book 107, page 362 which is a court order between the Congdons, Summers, and Town of Clarendon. It pointed out that the parties agreed to a set of stipulations. #5 on page 363 says “there shall be no buildings, or structures of any kind erected on the dedicated property.” #8 says “It is the intent of this agreement that the dedicated property remain as open property as it has in the past.” Selectman Menard motioned to deny the access permit through the town common, and Selectman Bixby seconded. Selectman Congdon recused himself due to conflict of interest. The motion passed 3-0. Selectman Bixby felt that the Colvins have an access from Cobb Lane so it wasn’t necessary to have an access off Middle Road as well. Chairman Klopchin mentioned the location of the proposed access was not ideal; since it was located at a bend in a road where visibility was low.
Creek Road Structure update– Secretary, Katie, informed the Board that Cash and herself have had correspondence with the engineer on this project. The town has received design plans for the box culvert installation, as well draft contract documents, and a stream alteration permit. Katie and Cash plan to get all the paperwork in order and have the box culvert ordered so that everything is ready to go, early spring.
Approval of Select Board Warrants
All new warrants and warrants previously signed by the designated Select Board Member were approved and signed by all Select Board Members.
Public Comments
Old Business
Kingsley Covered Bridge Final Plans– Katie has received the final design plans for the Kingsley Covered Bridge and provided a copy for the Board. VTrans is looking for feedback on the color of the roof. It’s currently green. Selectman Congdon motioned that the town responds to Vtrans that the color of the roof remains green and Selectman Ruane seconded. The motion passed unopposed. Katie will post the letter around town that contains the link to the final plans. Any resident feedback is due by September 30.
New Business
FY23 Grants- In -Aid Agreement– Katie explained that this grant agreement is for next year’s construction season and the town was awarded $22,000 to put towards hydrologically connected roads under MRGP. Selectman Congdon motioned for the Board Chair to sign the grant agreement and Selectman Bixby seconded. The motion passed 4-0.
Cemetery Committee update-
Kevin Peck was present on behalf of the Cemetery Committee to give an update on the work they have done thus far:
- They have completely restored the Marsh Cemetery since they first started working in
it last July. That averages about 40 stones Kevin and other community members have restored.
- Kevin has a couple more days work left in the Flats cemetery to complete it. He suspects that it should be finished by this fall.
- Kevin has a group of people from VOCA to work in the Spafford cemetery this Saturday the 17th. He’d like a couple Select Board members to walk through the cemetery with him before then.
- Kevin reported that Button Cemetery needs quite a bit of work in it. The issue with Button Cemetery, is the town doesn’t have a deed that says they own it. They currently maintain it but do not have concrete evidence that it’s town-owned. He’s leery to put all the work in without surety of ownership.
- Chippenhook Cemetery will be a multi-year project to totally restore it. Kevin has scheduled a work day next year for VOCA to come down and help work on the stones.
Along with restoring the cemeteries, the Cemetery Committee has also discussed coming up with a list of rules for the two active cemeteries. Kevin has reached out to other towns who have experienced similar issues such as the presence of fake flowers, trinkets, residents planting real flowers, shrubs, or trees that become overgrown and take over other stones. The Cemetery Committee will develop a list of rules for the Board to review to rectify those issues.
Kevin pointed out the town cemeteries are beginning to look nice and he would like signs to be made up to indicate the cemetery, the year it was established, and the list of rules. He said there are funds available for the different cemeteries. He would also like to eventually see nicer fencing installed. There is state statute that requires towns to maintain cemetery fencing. Treasurer, Heidi, touched on the trust funds that were mentioned and that some of them have parameters as to what the monies can be used for. As far as signs go, Heidi said she would donate graphic design time, to then send to a graphic company for them to get printed.
Kevin pointed out that there have been 3 burials this summer that have taken place in the town cemeteries without proper notification to the town. Town officials were completely unaware that these burials had occurred, and were only notified because Kevin was later working in the cemeteries and had noticed. He proposed the Board’s assistant write letters to Holden and Bowker, and request that they do not perform any work in the town cemeteries before first contacting town officials, in case the families did not follow through with notification. Selectman Congdon motioned to have Katie draft a letter to Holden and Bowker on behalf of the Board and state that this year, because there was work done without proper notice from families that any work going forward the Board would like these companies to contact the Town Hall to see if the proper paperwork was filed before proceeding with the work. Selectman Bixby seconded the motion and all Board members approved.
The Board thanked Kevin for all his hard work in the cemeteries and getting them back in shape.
Rec Mowing Contract– Katie provided the Board with a revised mowing contract for the Rec Fields. BK Services will be finishing out the season. He will be charging $65 for the Chippenhook Field and $160 for the 7B Fields. Selectman Congdon motioned that the Chairman sign on behalf of the Board, and Selectman Menard seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
Town Officer’s Report
Treasurer, Heidi, reported that as of today, the town is officially accepting credit cards. Residents can purchase marriage licenses, dog licenses, dump tickets, etc. with credit card as well as pay their tax bill. There is a 3.5% charge on all payments. Tax bills went out and are due October 15.
Secretary, Katie, reported that Household Hazardous Waste pickup is this Saturday the 17th, at the Transfer Station from 11am-1pm. She also received the draft for the MRGP permit. Any comments on that are due by October 24th. Please see the notices on the website for more information.
Select Board Member Concerns
Selectman Menard would like public input on possibly purchasing a tanker for the Clarendon Fire Department using ARPA funds. The tanker is 30 years old. Emergency service providers are eligible under ARPA to receive funding. Art requested residents call him with their input.
Selectman Congdon wanted to acknowledge and remember all those who were affected by 9/11. May we never forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Chairman Klopchin mentioned that Horst, Transfer Station attendant, would like to build a small 6×6 shed for food waste. The bears have been getting into it and making a mess. Mike suggested perhaps the road crew could build something. They discussed the possibilities. Cash thought a dog kennel/chain link crate would be ideal. Katie will contact Horst to discuss further.
Selectman Bixby mentioned he received the email about speeding concerns on 7b near the elementary school. He would like to see more patrolling done. Katie said she had already contacted the Sheriff’s Department about it.
Selectman Ruane said he had had a quote for line striping for $5k for Alfrecha and Moulton Ave. Selectman Congdon thought it was pricey and to reevaluate in the spring.
Selectman Congdon motioned to adjourn at 7:06pm, Selectman Bixby seconded, and all approved.
Monday, September 12, 2022
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Call to Order
Agenda additions/deletions
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Site Visit: August 22, 2022
Regular Meeting: August 22, 2022
Road Commissioner Report
Colvin Access Permit
Creek Road Structure update
Approval of Select Board Warrants
Public Comments
Old Business
Kingsley Covered Bridge Final Plans
New Business
FY23 Grants- In -Aid Agreement
Cemetery Committee update
Town Officer’s Report
Select Board Member Concerns