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Town Clerk: (802) 775-4274

Clarendon Vermont Town Hall

279 Middle Road
N. Clarendon, VT 05759
(802) 775-4274


Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
Closed Sat-Sun

Select Board meeting regular Wednesday May 29, 2024


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM



Mike Klopchin Chair

Art Menard, Selectman

Cash Ruane, Selectman

George Ambrose, Selectman

Gloria Menard, Town Clerk

Ashley Robinson, Administrative Asst

Kevin Peck, Lister

Bob Bixby

Jimmy Austin

Craig Knapp

Mark Truhan

Stephanie Ianni

Shelly lutz

Wayne Willhaus

Thelicia Molaski

Jan McCoy


Call to Order

Chairman Klopchin called meeting to order at 6:00PM

 Agenda additions/deletions

-Craig Knapp: North Shrewsbury Road concerns

-Gloria Menard: Vermont Statue Books

Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the additions, Selectman Ruane provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Chairman Klopchin explains that the additions will happen after the highway report.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

-Regular Meeting April 22nd 2024

Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the minutes from April 22nd.  Selectman Ruane provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Road Commissioner Report

-Driveway Permits/ Ron Daly, Joe Phillips

Road Commissioner/Selectman Ruane speaks on viewing the locations of the driveways.  He would like to have the selectboard approve locations.  After a brief discussion was had as to confirm locations, Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the two driveway permits.  Selectman Menard provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.

-Roll off dumpster for green-up day discussion

Road Commissioner Ruane brought up how in the past we have been able to fill a dumpster at the town garage.  The recent years there has been less trash coming in to the dumpster for green up day.  After going around and collecting this year he found that they only have enough to fill the small truck.  Ruane’s suggestion would be to no longer receive the dumpster at the town garage, and they can bring what is collected directly to the transfer station.   He also states that anytime the road crew comes across large items (mattresses, appliances, and furniture) they take directly to Hubbard’s.

-Layfette guardrail quote review

Commissioner Ruane reviews the quote and goes over what will be done. This will be to replace the posts and guardrails down on south Creek Rd.  Quote was $9115.50. Selectman Menard reminds that the previous administrative assistant was going to look into getting this project funded by FEMA due to the flooding that happened last summer, however Ashley Robinson adds that FEMA did not approve the funding.  Ashley did say that there was $9000 left in this year’s budget to be used and that the budget for next fiscal year (starting July 1st) is $17,000.  Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the replacement of the guardrail area, and Selectman Menard provided the second.  The motioned was approved unanimously.

-B10 Walker Mountain Bridge

Commissioner Ruane reached out to Belden to look at fixing the B10 bridge on the upper side of Walker Mountain.  There was recent damage resulting in the cement pillar being pushed away from the road causing washout and unstable conditions to the guardrail.  Belden was able to prepare a quote for a temporary fix until the existing bridge can be replaced.

Chairman Klopchin reads the bid from Belden:

We have prepared a quote to temporally fix the Walker Mtn Bridge wing wall.  The northwest wing wall has failed and fallen away.  Per your request we will attempt to drive a 15’ long sheet piling tight against the lower portion of the wing wall.  The 15’ sheets will remain above finish grade to guard rail height in place of the missing wing wall.  The space between the sheets and bituminous paving will be filled with concrete to grade.  The existing guardrails will be extended to the bridge on that corner.  The cost for this work would be $24,780.00

Road Commissioner Ruane adds that we should look at planking the sides of the bridge with guardrail to add to the safety until the bridge is replaced.  Attendee Craig Knapp asked how long the temporary fix would last.  Ruane says it would stay safe at least 5 years.  Backlog for bridge study, engineers, and replacement of that bridge would be roughly that amount of time.  Repair is all town responsibility financially at this time.

Selectman Menard moved to approve the bridge work from Belden.  Selectman Ambrose provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.

-MAC Truck discussion

Road commissioner Ruane reached out to get a quote on a new MAC truck.  It came in at $175,000 for automatic transmission.  Time frame is pushing out roughly two years to get a new truck.  Budgeting would have to be spread out over a few years.  This was just a discussion and that a full board is needed to make any decisions.

-Paving Grant

The town has been approved for a grant to pave the Creek Road from the new box culvert to the town line by Billings sugar house.  There was brief discussion about the culvert by Norm Bowens house and how that will need to be replaced due to the dipping that happens yearly.    Commissioner Ruane is working on getting bids for the project.

There was also talk of driveways that need to be finished from the previous paving projects and that Ruane had reached out to a few companies to take care of what needed to be completed.  Follow-up at the next selectboard meeting on June 10th.

Commissioner Ruane questions cemetery cleanup that needs to happen from a fallen tree.  The road crew is busy and he wondered who needs to be the one to remove the brush.  Chairman Klopchin offered to help Kevin Peck with cleanup however they would like to be able to use the one-ton dump truck to be able to do so.  Ruane commended Peck for the work that had already been done in the cemetery.

Ruane talks about issues in town and grading roads and residents who are going along and ‘correcting’ the road with personal tractors.  The problem with this is the town uses dust control.  The dust control is being disturbed with the tractor and defeats the purpose.

Food disposal area at the transfer station has been moved to a storage container by the cardboard dumpster.

Mower had issues and has been at Winmill in Rutland for repair.  They were going to work on it during the winter months and it is still on hold until they can get to it.  There was question if someone could be hired to do the mowing in the meantime.  Ruane will follow up with Winmill and report.

Ruane has been in contact with Vermont Railway regarding intersection at Walker Mountain road to make sure they mow the area due to low visibility.  The town will be contacting the RRPC to see about getting a car counter so they can gauge the traffic that comes across the tracks.  After that, they can report back to the railway to see about adding train flashing lights to the intersection for safety.  Admin asst Ashley Robinson will contact RRPC to do this.


Craig Knapp Speaks regarding North Shrewsbury Rd:

Address being 646 North Shrewsbury Rd.  Throughout the years the travel has been fairly easy.  When Irene came through and destroyed the bridge on Rt 7 the traffic has become more noticeable.  More now, especially recently due to the road work happening in Rutland near cold river road intersection of Rt 7.  Mr. Knapp counted cars specifically the day of the meeting and over a 5 minute span he counted 42 vehicles coming up and down North Shrewsbury Road.  The problem seems to be the speed of vehicles.  The road is posted at 35mph however it seems that most vehicles are traveling closer to 55mph or more (including construction vehicles).  Mr. Knapp is requesting increased police presence, hidden driveway signs, increased speed limit signage, as well as a possible change of speed limit to 30.

Mark Truhan, neighbor to Craig Knapp, adds that he has also had and noticed the same issues as Mr. Knapp.  There is an overall concern of safety for walkers as well.  Small chatter between the group of attendees speaking of areas throughout town where speed is an issue.  Ashley will be contacting the Sheriffs department again on speed cart.  Ashley did already email the Sheriff that patrols Clarendon to let him know the resident area concerns.

Kevin Peck suggests we direct Sheriff department where and when we want coverage in town.  Chairman Klopchin requested sheriff presence at the next selectboard meeting.  There was discussion on if having them at a meeting would be helpful or not.  Conclusion on this discussion ended with Road Commissioner Ruane saying the town will make a phone call and see if we can set up a schedule for the Sheriff.  Chairman Klopchin again says we should have at a meeting.  Selectman Menard thinks if the selectboard stays after the department that they do not need to come to a meeting and we can communicate with them directly.

Road Commissioner Ruane will be driving North Shrewsbury Road to view driveway locations and order signs if needed.

Jan McCoy asked about the Kingsley covered bridge still being on schedule.  Selectboard members Ruane and Klopchin add as of right now, all is going as planned.

Approval of Select Board Warrants

All new warrants and warrants previously signed by the designated selectboard members were approved and signed by the present select board members.


Statute Books:

Town Clerk Gloria speaks that statue books are available online and if we want physical copies the 4 that will be coming out will cost the town $400.  Gloria believes we can save the money as they are now available online and would like the boards opinion.  Selectman Ambrose motions to follow the Town Clerks suggestion of not purchasing any updates of the current and future statue books.  Selectman Menard provides the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.



Public Comments

Bob Bixby wants to note that the road crew has done a great job working on Windy Lane and that it looks great. Bob also suggested a moment of silence for the fallen military members as we just came out of Memorial Day Weekend.             

Old Business

New Business

-Firework Permit for Butler 2569 Quarterline Rd. 6/30/24

Chairman Klopchin goes over permit for 1 hour or less, being before 10pm.  Selectman Ruane motioned to approve the permit, Selectman Ambrose provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.

-Propane proposal

Ashley Robinson went over the three bids that were received.  These are all based on a 2000gal usage between the town hall as well as the transfer station.

Hop Energy -$1.999 gal.  This is who is used currently

Irving $1.599 Gal with swapping out to use their tanks.

Suburban $1.625 with the swap of tanks as well.

The board has a brief discussion, and agrees that price difference if enough to change providers.  Selectman Ruane motions to approve the swap to Irving at 1.599 a gallon.  Selectman Ambrose provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.

-Mowing at Transfer Station

The town found out Harry, that has always volunteered his time to mow, has decided to not continue doing so.  Selectman Menard made a motion to approve the cheapest bid that comes in to mow the transfer station, Selectman Ambrose provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Town Officer’s Report

Lister Kevin Peck speaks on the 119 letters of re-evaluations that were sent out the week prior.  Grievance day is 4pm-6pm next Wednesday (the 5th).

Selectboard Member Concerns

Selectman Ruane just wants everyone to be aware of the speed of traffic, especially with graduation coming up and end of school year.

Selectman Ambrose would like residents to know that there is a informal neighborhood watch type program with members of the Quarterline Rd.  He has Shelly Lutz speak regarding some concerns that they have seen on the Rutland Town end of Quarterline.  Shelly talks about a residence that has seen noticeable increase of vehicles, as well as now seeing tents set up in the yard.  There has also been some break-ins that the authorities have been made aware of.  She is suggesting to have all post property so the correct legal action can be taken.

Wayne Willhaus talks about a new trespassing law that is due to be passed soon, and that will also help with the legal actions being a violation.   


Chairman Klopchin motioned to close meeting at 7:16pm.  Everyone motioned and approved.



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM


Call to Order

 Agenda additions/deletions

 Approval of Meeting Minutes

-Regular Meeting April 22nd 2024


Road Commissioner Report

-Driveway Permit

-Roll off dumpster for green-up day discussion

-Layfette guardrail quote review

-B10 Walker Mountain Bridge

-MAC Truck discussion

Approval of Select Board Warrants


Public Comments           

Old Business

New Business

-Firework Permit for Butler 2569 Quarterline Rd. 6/30/24

-Propane proposal

-Mowing at Transfer Station

Town Officer’s Report

Select Board Member Concerns


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