Wednesday November 13, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Mike Klopchin, Chairman
George Ambrose, Clerk
Robert Congdon, Selectman
Art Menard, Selectman
Ashley Robinson, Admin Asst
Heidi Congdon, Treasurer
William PEG-TV
Jan McCoy
Marjorie Southard
Shelley Lutz
Bob Bixby
Sarah Kumm
Thom Burden Lyme Green Heat
Call to Order
-Chairman Klopchin called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
Agenda additions/deletions
-Adoption of town plan
Selectman Ambrose motions to add the adoption of the town plan to new business. Selectman Menard provides the second. The motion was approved by the present members.
-Selectmen Congdon suggests to honor our veterans with a moment of silence as it was Veterans Day earlier in the week.
-Moment of silence held at that time-
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting October 28th, 2024
Selectman Ambrose motioned to approve the meeting minutes, with selectman Menard providing the second. The motion was approved by the members who were at the meeting on October 28th.
-Selectman/Road Commissioner Ruane was not present for the meeting.
Approval of Select Board Warrants
-All new warrants and warrants previously signed by the designated selectboard members were approved and signed by the present selectboard members.
Public Comments
-Resident Jan McCoy discusses political signs. By law political signs have to be taken down after elections and are not supposed to attached to trees. There is a particular sign on Airport Road that is political, and attached to a tree. Per the zoning plan you are allowed to have signs if they fall into categories of a real estate signs, business signs, public welfare or public interest signs. Jan is an advocate of freedom of speech, however this sign is violating state transportation laws, not promoting general welfare for our town or decent public interest. She is aware that others have complained about it before and wanted to be sure that the town knows she is offended by it. She has done research and with counselors at schools and they have informed her that there is curriculum at school, that is social emotional feelings, and having the right to feel the way you do. She is wondering if there could be a resolution approved by the selectboard to have this sign taken down. Selectman Congdon wants Jan to know that the board has looked into this in the past and a selectman did go to the residence to speak to the homeowner to have the sign taken down. They did have prior legal advice and it was suggested to have the concerned residents go state level to find a resolution. It is not within the right-of-way in town, and is considered personal opinion. Other towns have gone through the same situation. Ashley has reached out to VLCT and is waiting on reply to see if there would be any change since the last time the town went through this. Selectman Menard reminds the board and residents that the board signed a resolution that states we are inclusive of people who don’t agree with our political and morals, and we have to go along with that resolution.
New Business
-2025 Selectboard Meeting Schedule Approval
Selectman Congdon offers feedback that the August 11th date is fair week for 2025 so that date as well as November 10th would be a conflict for him. Selectman Ambrose brings up that this year the August meeting didn’t work for some board members as well and Congdon brings up the fact that the meeting was actually cancelled due to lack of agenda items. Selectman Congdon says historically August is a light month for agenda items, and that moving to only scheduling one meeting. Selectman Klopchin wants the board to consider waiting until we get closer to the date. Selectman Ambrose suggests we add the notion of only having one meeting in August on the agenda for our next meeting after the board has time to cogitate on it. Selectman Congdon agrees as well as adding the change of November 10th to November 12th for the next meeting.
-REMC Reappointments
Selectman Congdon motions to approve Matt Jakubowski and Craig Knapp as our REMC members and that Chairman Klopchin signs on behalf of the board. Selectman Ambrose provides the second. Ashley is awaiting Matt’s final response and will send after he sends back.
-Bottle Drive/Bake Sales CES 6th Grade Class-Ashley
Ashley requests the board’s approval for the Clarendon Elementary 6th grade class to hold a bottle drive and possible bake sale at the transfer station. This could happen multiple times. She did speak to the transfer station crew and they have a area that bottles can go and then the parents of students would be able to pick up. She can let the board know the dates when they plan to do so moving forward. Selectman Menard has no problem with this as the boy scouts used to do the same. Selectman Ambrose agrees.
Old Business
-Heating Bids
Ashley requests to touch base briefly regarding the bids that the board has. She lets the board know that we have two bids, one for propane and one for replacing what we have (oil furnace) with Lyme Green Heat present at the meeting to discuss another option. She wanted the board to be aware that two outfits did let her know that they did not understand why we were replacing a working furnace and that we should continue to heat the way we do until it is required to take the oil tank out of the ground in 2030. The service that has been preformed on the unit is normal wear and tear maintenance.
Thom Burden from Lyne Green Heat talks numbers with the board. There isn’t a lot of space in the current setup, so they would have to build a small building or shed on the back of the gable end for storage of pellets with boilers and having the air handler in the basement. This would mean using pellet heat full time. The option to that is adding heat pumps on the unit as well. These options are $50-$70,000 with the state kicking in $6000 from Efficiency Vermont. If there is federal funding available there would be additional funding from them as well. Selectman Congdon asks what sizes Thom was thinking. The options were that they would replace the existing the furnace with another furnace from Maine Energy Systems. They make a furnace however it only puts out 9600BTU and there was concern it wouldn’t heat the building on the coldest days of the year. That is the least expensive option around $30,000. Ideally, he suggests doing the boilers with the air handlers and eliminate the furnace. This is a 30 year investment. Selectman Ambrose suggests we have further discussion on this. Thom will work on getting more information and we will reach out to them with any questions. The board thanks Thom for his time.
Treasurer Heidi Congdon requested a brief discussion on the lack of a hot water heater in the building. Selectman Congdon will go to the basement to see what there is currently and can further discuss at the next meeting.
Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report
Treasurer Heidi Congdon; first budget workshop was this evening the hour before the selectboard meeting. The next will be Monday November 25th at 5pm.
Admin Asst Ashley brings up that we do have another siding bid that came in and she is waiting on one more. She is hopeful that another will come in by the next meeting and suggested tabling any discussion until then.
Select Bard Member Concerns
Selectman Congdon motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:43pm with Selectman Menard providing the second. The motion was approved by all.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:00PM
Call to Order
Agenda additions/deletions
FY26 Budget discussion
Public Comments
Wednesday November 13, 2024
Clarendon Town Hall @ 6:00PM
Call to Order
Agenda additions/deletions
Approval of Meeting Minutes
-Regular meeting October 28th, 2024
Approval of Select Board Warrants
Public Comments
New Business
2025 Selectboard Meeting Schedule Approval
REMC Reappointments
Bottle Drive/Bake Sales CES 6th Grade Class-Ashley
Old Business
Heating Bids
-Lyme Green Heat~Thom Burden
Town Officer’s & Committee Member Report
Select Board Member Concerns
JANUARY: 13, 27
FEBRUARY: 10, 24
MARCH: 10, 24
APRIL: 14, 28
MAY: 12, 28(Wed.)
JUNE: 9, 23
JULY: 14, 28
AUGUST: 11, 25
OCTOBER: 13, 27
NOVEMBER: 10, 24
If you would like placement on the meeting agenda to discuss a matter with the Select Board, you can request agenda placement by contacting the Administrative Assistant via e-mail at All requests must be in writing, and must contain a subject. The time given for a speaker on the agenda will be 5-10 minutes; time may be added at the discretion of the Select Board. A request can also be mailed to the Clarendon Board of Selectmen, P.O. Box 30, Clarendon, Vermont 05759, or hand delivered at the Town Hall.
Meeting agendas also include two opportunities for public comment: one for general comments, and one for specific agenda items.
All requests for agenda placement must be received no later than 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the scheduled Monday meeting to allow time for preparation of the agenda and time for Select Board members to prepare for the meeting. Individuals not on the agenda must wait until completion of all agenda items unless invited by the Selectboard Chairman to speak.
Clarendon Board of Selectmen